President - Sarah Peak Provides oversight for all committees. Presides over PTA General Member and Board Meetings. Develops the agenda for each meeting and ensures that the meetings proceed according to the agenda. Primary point of contact between the school administration and the PTA. Works closely with the administration to set the calendar of events for each school year.
Vice President - Community Partnerships - Meagan Autry Vice President - General - Faith Williams YMES can have multiple VPs that perform duties requested by the president and the board of directors. VPs can choose to take leadership roles in areas of their choosing. In the past we've had VPs focusing on Fundraising, Communications, and Advocacy & Family Engagement.
Treasurer - Heather Ike Oversees the Audit Team. Works closely with the president to write checks, manage the budget, deposit funds at the bank, and provide oversite for the financial direction of the PTA.
Secretary - Nicole Hartman Takes notes at all meetings. Files important documents and is responsible for the creation of the monthly PTA newsletter. The secretary also helps with teams as needed.
At-Large Member(s) - Kelsey Buechele, Stacie Stegall, Kellie Herron YMES can have up to 2 at-large members. This role serves as a liaison to the general membership. Attends and provides input at meetings. Assists in determining the program direction of the PTA. Volunteers time and energy to any projects and/or programs he or she would like to assist with.
Faculty Representative - TBD The Faculty Representative is a member of YMES Faculty. Works closely with PTA to provide feedback from teachers. Serves as PTA spokesperson to teachers. Attends board meetings. Helps with other teams as available.
Committees If you are interested in chairing or serving on a committee, please email [email protected] to be routed to the right person for more information
Membership - OPEN Seek new PTA members. Enter new membership forms. Maintain membership roster.
Book Fair - Heather Ike/Nicole Hartman Help with Spring and/or Fall Book Fair through set-up, sales, promotion, events. Help with Buy One- Get One event in the spring. Committee leaders are responsible for following financial procedures for keeping track of book fair funds, working with Scholastic and school to coordinate dates.
Hospitality - Stacie Stegall/Faith Williams Organize meals for teachers throughout the year. Help set up/tear down hospitality events. Helps brainstorm ideas for teacher appreciation and bus driver appreciation weeks.
Fun Run - Kari Kouba/April Purnell Plan and/or promote this event. Seek out sponsorships. Volunteer the day of the event.
Spring Festival - Sarah Peak/Stacie Stegall Plan and execute Spring Festival. Help secure donations for silent auction. Put together silent auction baskets, volunteer the day of the event.
Grant Writing - OPEN Research and identify grants that would be beneficial to the YMES community. Complete the grant application and guide the application through the submission process.
Audit - OPEN With your team, perform an end-of-year audit for submission to the NC PTA. Also responsible for quarterly or monthly audits of budget.
Painless Fundraisers - OPEN Plan community events at local businesses and determine opportunities for grocery or other similar businesses with potential for donations.
Advocacy & Family Engagement - Sarah Cone Work with school and community partners to advocate for all children at Yates Mill. Help provide programs that promote family engagement. Volunteer to help at various Family Engagement events.
Social Media/Website Post important and appropriate information and encouragement on PTA social media accounts. Help keep up website.
Spirit Wear - Kelsey Buechele Help design new spirit wear items. Sell spirit wear at various Yates Mill events. Place orders in fall and winter. Distribute items.
Translation Help with various PTA translation needs (including at meetings and translating documents).
Yearbook - Nicole Hartman/April Purnell Collect pictures throughout the year. Work with Strawbridge to create yearbook. Collect orders and distribute yearbooks.
Outdoor Experience - OPEN Participate in generating ideas for outdoor improvements, research costs and methods for funding, help coordinate onsite improvement volunteering and events
Business Partnership Development Works to develop relationships with local businesses to enhance programs at YMES.
Nomination Oversees the Nominating Team and attends board meetings. Helps with other teams as needed.
If you are interested in finding out more, please email us at [email protected]